Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away

The Northwest has been slammed by a terrible winter storm the last couple of days. No, not snow, just rain. In fact so much rain that it is causing major flooding, closing of roads and bridges, and evacuation of businesses and buildings. Yesterday was the second rainiest day in Seattle's history. I-5 (the main interstate on the west coast) is closed between Seattle and Portland. They are rerouting traffic through different roads and highways. What is normally a 3 hour drive has turned into a 7 hour trek. We got stuck in the first part of the weather storm. We had a gig in Sacramento, CA this weekend and drove up to Seattle on Sunday. We ran into a snow storm near Mt. Shasta, then it was just heavy rain the rest of the way home. Thankfully, we made it back before it was too late. I've attached some pictures taken by different local folk who have encountered these last two crazy days.

1 comment:

Emily LePlastrier said...

hope you guys are okay - its all over the news down here. xoxo